Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Feeling Better

Life is wonderful. Yesterday I made apple pie and thoroughly enjoyed myself. There is something magical about pie for me, no matter how bummed I might be, as soon as I make a pie everything feels better. It may have something to do with the fact that everyone else gets really happy stuffing themselves with baked fruit and crust.

Today, I woke up to Welch making pancakes. If you haven't had pancakes a la Welch, you should. They were very good. Fancy even, with strawberries.

So I am finished being a sour puss and pouting. I have made the right decision and will stick to it because I know that it really is what I want and I should be happy about it.

It helps that I have realized that I am among friends. Or, I should say, realized that the people I am with do care and don't hate me for walking away. (Yes, I was worried about that. Don't judge me.)

All in all, I am much happier today. Everything is looking up. I might make some money this week after all and I get to go to New York on Friday. What could be better? OK, I know, not freezing cold weather...

1 comment:

farrellvegan said...

? what is all this secrecy about? whats going on with you lady?