Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ahh... the good old Northwest. I will admit that I may not have handled this little leg of my adventure as well as I could have. I did a little too much idealizing and romanticising my home. I had visions of spending all of my time seeing old friends and feeling like I was home again. Instead, I felt out of place and bored. That is not to say that I didn't have fun with my friends. It just means that I have become aware of the fact that things have changed, a lot.

I have spent the last four months thinking of Portland and Ft. Konik as my home. After just 36 hours I know that that just isn't true anymore. I love Portland and I miss the Ft. Konik I left behind but it is time for me to move on, not just physically but emotionally too.

Dynamics change, naturally, and I was wrong to make myself think that it wouldn't have happened at Ft. Konik too. That said, the time I did spend with friends was nice and I hope to see everyone again soon. Not to mention the time I spent one on one with people was extreamly refreshing.

Seeing my mother and grandmother has been great! I have missed my mom and Mamo a lot and enjoy spending time with them. Mamo and I are going to hang out tomorrow while my mom is a work and then I think we are going to dinner. I fly back to DC on Monday.

DC and New York and Home 103

1 comment:

farrellvegan said...

hey lady. i hope i see you sometime tomorrow. i know what you mean about going home and it not feeling like home. i actually said something to you along those lines on thursday. trust me when i tell you nowhere will feel like home after you leave for so long. you gotta make your home where you're happiest now. even going back to SF after europe will be different. you gotta just travel now and forget about feeling at home anywhere. you will know where you want to call home and when you are finally ready, you have to stick to it. find the place that feels right and makes you the happiest but if you leave for so long things will always change. no matter where you are. love you. be safe and happy and i will see you when you come back to visit, or stay. either way youre going to have to work to make where ever you land your home.