Monday, September 8, 2008

Saying Goodbye

I know this shouldn't be a big deal or anything but I am finding it really hard to say goodbye to some people. Any time I have said goodbye to someone in the past, it has been for good. So now as I reflect on the wonderful going away party I had, I am sad and keep wondering if it was the last time I will ever see these people.

Jake and I have had many talks about this and each time I am left feeling like I shouldn't be upset about leaving. Not that my feelings have been invalidated but maybe I am making a bigger deal out of it than I should.

Like I said, I have never really said goodbye to anyone and when I have, its been for good.

I suppose this is just one of the many experiences I will have in the coming months that will help me grow up.

With that said, I will miss all of my friends dearly and I know they will miss me too. And Portland will always be my home. I think I will always end up here in the end.