Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thoughts of the Moment

I have been talking a lot lately about my feelings on activism and what i want to be doing with my life. Believe it or not, I sometimes feel like I am wasting time. Days and weeks go by and sometimes I feel like I havent done anything with meaning or substance.
all of this has helped me to understand what is important to me but not how to apply it to my life. I am not ready to come home (where ever that is) and settle into a life of activism. this all sound so trite but its how i feel and im not sure where to go from here. Its been a long time coming but i think I am ready to call myself an anarchist. (Welch dont wet yourself...) I dont like putting myself into little categories where there isnt much room to express yourself but the more I talk about my political beliefs the more I think its something I can stand by.

On a more upbeat and unrelated note, a few of the people I have made friends with here are talking about meeting me in India in August. that means, if you have been following my plans, I will not be in japan in September after all. I have no idea what i want to do anymore but the longer I can stay out of the US the better! Anyway, they have been talking about taking a trip together to come meet me in India for the month of August! I would like it very much but I also know that its a long way off and will take a lot of money.

the new plan/idea/dream/whatever is to take my time through asia and head south to australia instead of north to japan. I can work in australia for the winter (their summer) and then turn around and make my way back to Europe the way i came (or something similar)! it all depends on money (like everything in this backward world) and a few other factors.

there are many more things i want to share with all of you but I am out of time! I am off to make cupcakes!


Unknown said...

i really wish you'll be able to make the most of your current travelling experience, and live it for as long as possible..
and i'll do with cupcake lessons from you when we meet again: i've tried to bake some for the 1st time this weekend, and they were all flat and a bit disapointing.. (at least the taste was there, pheew)

Unknown said...

You should go north from Australia, hit Japan/China/Korea, and then take the Trans-Siberian Railroad across Russia and get back to Europe that way. I've always wanted to do that myself.

Court said...

I agree with Daniel on the round-trip idea. That would be awesome.

Also: What sort of activism are you talking about, here?