Friday, February 27, 2009

What A Fucking Bummer!!!

I have never in my life experienced prejudice like I did last night. It was a fucking bummer. Unfortunately i had already had a few glasses of wine so I couldnt or didnt want to get into a discussion with the girl\people. I knew that alcohol would only fan the flames so, believe it or not, I kept my mouth shut.

My being american was aparently an affront to the good nature of my little Finnish friend. Seriously? What a self rightous spoiled brat!

I dont understand the point of prejudice, racism, militance, etc. It doesnt really accomplish anything and spreading hate is just wrong. I am so over it! Why cant people just accept that everyone is different? You dont have to like me but insulting me pruely because of where I come from is childish and petty.

It pisses me off to know that this mentality exists everywhere.

The whole thing made me miss home and Paris a bit. I miss being with people who dont want to hurt one another just for the sake of being right. I miss tolerance and openness. It has taken me years to learn that everyone is different and I cant expect people to change because I want them to. I understand. But there is no excuse for being a racist and hating people.

While Im not the subject, (I may have written about this before, I cant remember) I am through with militance. Many of my sxe friends are militant and find it amusing to hate on people who are different (ie. choose to drink or do drugs). I have only one thing to say about that: What makes your hate and militance any different from a racists? I say this because I am tired of my radical thinking, anarchist, educated, straightedge friends acting like ass holes and liking it. I dont like the people Im staying with. Frankly they kind of discust me because of the life style they lead but they are still human. They still deserve respect and kindness even if they do drop acid almost every night of the week.

Lets not even start in on what people had to say about my vegetarian\veganism....

I want nothing to do with hate. Hate and anger have been a huge part of my life and it has done nothing but bring sadness and more hate and anger. It never accomplishes anything.

Anyway, overall my time here has been less than fulfilling. I am looking forward to leaving on Sunday to go to Madrid. Hopefully I will be staying with tolerant people. People who dont want to talk about Obama and how much ALL americans suck. The city is nice though.


xBWRNWx said...

Justine you're killing me. I don't want to speak for anyone else that claims edge, but I have to argue with you about comparing it to racism. I hate on people that do drugs and drink because Ive seen how it contributes to rape culture and deadens and numbs people. I don't see how hating on peoples choices and actions is comparable to hating people for their heritage or skin color. That's fucking inexcusable. If you're trying to speak to how people use the edge as a crutch to be bro's and assholes, I've seen that too and I hate it. I feel like you could be more specific instead of asking "my radical thinking, anarchist, educated, straightedge friends" how they are different from racists.

Justine said...

I wanted to take a day to think about how to respond to this and I think I am ready.

I do think it is comparable to say the hating someone because of their choices is the same as hating someone for the color of thier skin.

Hate is a very strong word and maybe you dont use it the same way that I do. If you choose to hate someone because they drink then I guess we cant be friends. I drink, quite often in fact. It doesnt mean I have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Im not drunk every night that I drink either.

Many things contribute to rape culture. Alcohol and drugs are a factor but I think that the patriarchal society we live in is a much larger factor in rape culture. Teaching young men that women are there for thier pleasure and for their convenience is a larger problem, I think. Alcohol is just used as an easy way for rapists for get what they want easily, that is control.

The point I am trying to make is that I know a lot of SXE kids who are very active in radical politics and are very educated and still choose to HATE people. Not just dislike or disagree with but HATE. They put people down and bully them because they take a different path in life.

Just because someone decides to do something that you dont totally agree with doesnt make it ok for you to treat them like shit.

Also, drug addiction and alcoholism are diseases. My father was a heroin addict and an alcoholic and I spent years hating him for it. I had to watch him die before I could realize that it wasnt because he thought it was fun or enjoyable but that it was because he couldnt help it. Maybe if he had never touched drugs or alcohol it wouldnt have killed him but some people arent as lucky to find other outlets for their pain in life.

Not everyone can be as strong and rightous as we would like them to be. And everyone shouldnt be the same in life.

Straightedge, just like veganism, is a privilage. I think that you know exactly what I mean by privilage. And I think that many things get lost in translation (via the internet).

But thank you Naomi for always keeping me on my toes!

xBWRNWx said...

fuck yeah, I definitely hear what you're saying about straight edge being a privilege, even more so than veganism when you take into consideration poverty and stress- things that are also a product of the patriarchal society. And things that I don't have to deal with one anywhere near the same level as a lot of people. Again- I don't hate people for drinking- I hate being around drinking, being negatively affected by drinking, watching people drink, dealing with people who get hurt because of alcohol and not being able to do anything about it. I still think people that drink deserve respect and kindness, unless they're cops.
Thanks also for what you said about rape culture, I think I understand that also, I am just at a point personally where alcohol and rape culture are too close in my mind to be able to separate them in any healthy way.
Thanks for challenging my thinking, I don't think that something as inconsequential as whether or not we drink should ever keep us from being friends.