I finally have my pictures! Its taken what feels like a year to get them off of the card and onto the internet but it seems that it is finally happening!
The title of this blog, however inappropriate, is funny. There are misspellings everywhere here and I get a kick out of it. I think this is the best one so far. The menu actually offers "Cock with Ice Cream." I was a little disappointed to find that it wasn't actually what it said....
I will start with what happened first and move from there, trying to remember all the little details and stories that go along with the pictures. Forgive me if its terribly boring or my stories have holes.
As far as pictures go, I believe I left you in Agra. The city its self doesn't have much to offer other than the best Aloo Parantha Ive ever had and the Taj Mahal.
Check out my Jesus sandals, yes I have stopped wearing them, it was a momentary lapse in judgment.
I have a pet peeve when it comes to crooked pictures so Im a little pissed I paid Rs 20 for the picture of Jake and I in front of the Taj.
Check it out, its Flynn.
I love saris! If I didnt feel like a total douche wearing one Id have myself wrapped in floral prints in a heart beat.
After Agra, we made our way to Jaipur. I am a terrible tourist as you all know and didnt see the famous forts and building in the city but instead spent a day outside of the city at the Amber Fort (pronounced like "amer"). It was a beautiful place and well worth the sweat soaked bus ride out there and the hike up. There were some crappy white tourists paying to take an elephant to the top. It pissed me off and I wanted to yell at the guy but I know that the keeper is just trying to feed his family and I guess this is one of the few ways to do that.
Im in love with the pants Ive been wearing. Ill never wear them out in the west but they are super comfortable!!
I didn't stay very long in Jaipur but kind of wish I had. Jake and I had a great adventure with a local man there. He tried to lure us down an ally to his 'shop' to tell my fortune. I had had tea with milk in it and was so sick. We used it as an excuse to turn around. Haha. I love things like this. Once again almost being robbed in a dark ally with chickens and cows running around and the smell of the sewer wafting up. Yummy.
Next stop: Ajmer! I really wish I had stayed longer in Ajmer! Our arrival happened to land on the first day of a Muslim pilgrimage to the mosque there and so it was a strange experience. For what ever reason, I had no idea that this was about to start. Waling around town was, well, kind of intimidating. There were so many people out in the streets and armed officers patrolling. Some woman pushed her small child out in front of us to get a better view while hundreds of camera phones snapped shots of us walking down the street. One night there was enough at the time but in retrospect I wish I had stayed. I have a strange fascination with Muslim culture and that week there ended up being over 2 million pilgrims in the small city! Oh well, Ill come back again!
Again, I just love saris!
This is just one of the processions of Muslim pilgrims to the mosque. Pilgrims toss coins on top of the cloth they are carrying for offering.
This would be my sexiest face ever....
Since Ajmer proved to be too much, Pushkar looked like a better idea.
Pushkar is the holy city I wrote about before where there is no alcohol or meat or eggs in the entire town. The lake there had been drained due to too much pollution but it was still a beautiful and peaceful place.
This is the painting that was on the wall of the room I stayed in! So epic!!
The view from the room. I liked it. Just below was a patch of flowers for offerings. They smelled great!
I made a lot of animal friends while there. They make me smile! Most of the dogs are gross and scary but there were a few I really liked.
Cow kisses! My fav!
And then there are random pictures of me. And some of Jake too.
And this is Pushkar.
Doing laundry the old fashioned way sucks. Just in case you didnt already know.
Its hot here so Im in my underwear a lot...
Another random picture of me making a face.
So this is Bundi. Its where I am now and I dont really want to leave.
Ive been learning to cook traditional Indian dishes from this old woman who goes by Mama. I just love her! Her household is so warm and welcoming I feel like I could stay forever. Her and her daughter, Bobbi, are always smiling and the baby in the house is actually cute. To be honest I really like her!
I also wake up to monkeys banging on the roof of the shack I sleep in every morning. I sleep like the dead though so they only bother Jake. Apparently, he chased one out of the room the other morning!
There is a palace and fort above the city that I visited the other day. There are tons of monkeys everywhere. They are kind of scary because they can be really aggressive but thats just the 'morning monkeys.' The evening monkeys are much nicer although still scary because they are huge! I only have pictures of the morning variety as of right now.
Jake let me pain his toenails the other night while I was painting mine! It was fun and silly. I really like my toes painted.... I had no idea.
In other news, I beat Jake at a game of chess the other day. Neither one of us is very good but it was fun. I also beat him at checkers. :)
The only other news is that my set went live on SG! I cant remember if I mentioned that before but it did and Im happy! Its doing better than the two before it! Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a trend! Naked on the internet is fun....
Im still waiting to buy my ticket home for September. I should have it in a few weeks. Once Im there I want to try all these recipes I have on everyone. Im thinking about an Indian dinner party! All vegan Palak Paneer, Aloo, Channa Masala, Chipati, Parantha, Kheer... oh yes!
1 comment:
you're ill.
stop kissin' cows you f hippie.
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