Friday, July 31, 2009

"In India, we are using our hands."

People always say that India will change you. I never really thought it was true until this morning.

There are things I would never put up with in the West that i have learned to brush off here as if it were nothing. In the West I would never wash sewage off my feet in a river with 37 sewage outlets pouring into it. Here, it is the norm and regarded as holy.

In the west, if I found bed bugs crawling on me in the night, I would probably freak out. Here, who do you tell? What can be done?

Its a whole other world here and I don't think I know many people who would love it the way I do. I find it just as disgusting as anyone else but here I think its easier to keep life in perspective. I know that when I leave, i leave the bugs behind. I know that the sewage pouring over my feet can be washed away with soap and clean water. I can live with it because I know that its not my life.

My life is, and always will be, ever changing. I left Bundi a few days ago and after 36 hours on trains I have finally arrived in Varanasi.

It was difficult to leave Mama and Bobbi. They cried and it made me cry too. I hate that.

We played dress up before I went and that was a lot of fun. I got to wear two different saris, one of them being the one Mama gave me.

My heat exhaustion is finally getting better. Not that it lasted too long but it sucks so it feels like an eternity. Yesterday, after getting off the train and having a rickshaw driver refuse to take us further, I had to walk all over the ghats to find the hotel Jake wanted to stay in. Bundi had cooled down a lot and my body had adjusted. Its hot here. Like really hot. Like back in the 40s hot (100+F). I threw up when we finally arrived and could hardly stand on my own. I ate and slept the rest of the day.

Heat exhaustion's symptoms usually include weakness, irritability, nausea or vomiting, slow pulse, headache. I had all of them. Fun. My strength is beginning to come back and I feel much better but its still really fucking hot here.

Varanasi seems nice enough. Its SUPER touristy. I dont like that much but what can I do. The river here is SO polluted! I think it just might be the most polluted river in the world. Its so nasty! But the people here bathe in it and drink the water because its considered holy. There are parts of corpses floating around in the water near the burning ghats and there are sewage outlets all over the river. Eww.

Jake will be leaving on the third to catch his flight back to Thailand and after that Ill be on my own! So exciting! I may be going up to Nepal for a few days but it depends on if I can get in or not. Apparently you have to pay for the visa with USDs not in Rupees. I have no American money. I have some pounds and Euros but why on earth would I have USDs? So stupid.

And then its back to the good ole US of A for me. Feels strange and ever since I booked the ticket I cant sleep. Im really nervous and excited and feeling weird about it all at once.

I get to fly through Moscow. That should be neat.

1 comment:

farrellvegan said...

dont be nervous. probably after a month of our american bullshit youll be happy to get back to your aventure. im 100% positive of this. its amazing, just from your pictures i can tell you have changed so very much from the person i got to know. <3