Thursday, May 7, 2009


So I should be off to Istanbul tomorrow morning. You would think that I would be more excited about it because I have wanted to go for some time but I'm not. I'm tired and bored and nervous about heading East. Not to mention its 36 hours on a bus.

I know this is all part of my process. I do it every time and I should stop over thinking everything and just go with it but I don't.

Yesterday I went to the Indian Embassy to apply for my visa. Im a little nervous because I couldn't complete the application properly.

Occupation? Ummm..... Traveler? Self Employed Panty Seller? Stripper? Not sure whats going to look worse on the application....

Father's Name and Address? Hhmmm.... Well, I know his name but I think he is either dead or living on the streets of LA.... Im not sure thats what your looking for.

References in India? Well, I don't know anyone there. How can I have references if Ive never been?

The guy was a jerk to me but he was a jerk to everyone so I dont take it personally. I'm just scared of being denied. Ill be pissed if it cost me 2400kc to have them say no.

Ill go back today to see the result. Lets all cross our fingers and hope that I wont be left to figure something else out.
Maybe I will just stay in Europe and get married and settle for a while.... hahahaha! The thought both excites and terrifies me.

Other than that, Im getting all emo about my birthday. Its on Sunday and feel old and like Im running out of life. My body image issues aren't going away and if you remember a few posts back I asked for some crazy illness to come and make me loose all the weight Ive gained...yeah, well thats happening.

I actually have a theory about body image issues. If your never naked, and you never see your body in its natural state, of course your not going to like it! I have seen myself naked for only a few moments here and there in the past few months so now I think it looks odd. You know? It like never wearing a dress or always wearing makeup. I think I look funny in a dress but thats because I never wear them. I used to wear makeup all the time and thought I looked funny without it. Now I think I look best, or at least exactly the same, without it.

So anyway. Things are still good. I am happy even if it doesnt sound like it.

1 comment:

Jacktmup said...

I just dealt with an Indian visa application myself. When it comes to answering the profession question, I can tell you this much, FILMMAKER is the wrong answer. They will limit you to 3 months single entry. Plus make you sign additional paperwork promising you are just a tourist who will not do any journalistic work during your visit.
Luckily, I applied through TraVisa and was able to change my answer to UNEMPLOYED before it was officially submitted. I guess that having no source of income is good enough for a 1 year multiple entry pass.
Good luck. Hopefully you'll get it first try and won't have to use this incredible advice.